Wanted to share information on some of our popular items to consider as budgets become available:
– We are getting in several requests for the detachable 2- in- 1 CF-33 laptop which is highly configurable to include GPS, 4G LTE, SmartCard Readers and more based on your needs. This is designed for versatility to accommodate laptop and tablet needs. Please let me know if you’d like a demo.

– Evidence Collection and Management. We can fully integrate your interview rooms, body worn cameras, and in car video systems to make evidence easily searchable and bookmarked. For more information, please see the specifics on Panasonic’s Unified Evidence Management Systems solution here. Ask about our GovAssurance services for lifecycle support on Arbitrator equipment.

– We offer managed services and full IT and Audio-Visual support. Whether you would like assistance setting up a new conference room area, or managing annual anti-virus and Microsoft updates and renewals, please let me know and we can set up a call to discuss your needs.

We offer free grantwriting support to assist if your budget for this year doesn’t cover equipment needs. For more information email sales@govdirect.com.