FREE technology lunch and learn on April 26th we are co-hosting with Panasonic at the Governors Club from 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. All attendees will be entered in a drawing to win an Apple Watch and other door prizes! Please RSVP by 4/12 as seating is limited.
As a technology solutions provider on the NASPO Florida State Contract, GovDirect offers the most trusted technology in the industry at pre-negotiated volume pricing. At this luncheon, we will be discussing the benefits of adding rugged mobile devices to field operations for improved productivity and connectivity. There are several new mobile rugged body wearable and in car video evidence capture products available from Panasonic that will be available for your visual inspection and evaluation.
You can visit the event webpage here or email rsvp@govdirect.com with any questions about the lunch and learn. We look forward to meeting you!