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Exclusive NOAA deals on Panasonic Toughbook devices

Panasonic and GovDirect have teamed up to provide exclusive pricing to the NOAA on the Panasonic...

Join us Feb. 8th & 9th for a FREE Public Sector Technology Keynote

GovDirect would like to invite you to join us for our Public Safety keynote sessions taking place...

Spend NOAA funding wisely

Congratulations on being awarded funding for the NOAA coastal resiliency project! As a prime...

Panasonic technology and more is available on state purchasing contracts

We wanted to make sure you have a list of the technology available for procurement from GovDirect...

Transparency and Accountability in Law Enforcement with the Panasonic’s Arbitrator Body Worn Cameras and Arbitrator 360 HD Solutions

Body Worn Cameras in Today’s WorldNow more than ever Police agencies are beginning to equip their...

Technology Solutions available on state purchasing contracts

In case you are looking to spend budget dollars before the holidays are in full swing, I wanted to...

GOVDIRECT launches new website

GovDirect is proud to announce the launch of our new solutions website. Founded in 2010, GovDirect...

Panasonic Solutions for Ambulances

Several of our first responder customers are using Panasonic Toughbooks in patient transport...

INC 5000

Clearwater, FL – GovDirect is proud to be included in the 2016 Inc. 5000 list. Ranking in at #6 Top...

AFG Grant

The Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) is back, and GovDirect is ready to help you secure the...

Panasonic Federal Solutions available on your purchasing contracts

Before your budget year ends, we wanted to share our Federal Newsletter here with a lineup of...